I am a cottage/resort architect so you may be surprised to see me write about the new Airstream trailer. As an architect I appreciate great design – please see my work at https://www.lakesidearchitecture.ca/projects-retreats-cottages-boathouses/ and Airstream trailers are all about good design. Airstreams are truly the trailers for architects. They are sleek and modern and have beautiful interiors as well as a very aerodynamic feel. I have always like the Airstream models and now they have updated them with a new even sleeker interior. My plan is to one day have an Airstream in addition to my cottage – for those times I want to take my family out to a bit more wild part of nature but still have some comforts of home. Cottage Life feels the same way and have highlighted the new Airstream in one of their recent blogs. You can see that here https://cottagelife.com/outdoors/new-look-airstream-trailers-could-be-the-perfect-pandemic-retreat/