At Lakeside Architecture, we take pride in working on our projects from concept to creation, beginning with an initial design based on your vision and our site assessment. From there, we create 3D images and perhaps a simple basswood model, so you fully understand...
One question that I am routinely asked about is what the costs of are of building a custom cottage. As you may have guessed from your research so far, the costs vary significantly depending on the location, the site, the size of your project and the materials and...
The Spring Cottage Life Show is happening THIS WEEK! Over 40% bigger than last year! Please bring your questions and ideas and visit us at Booth 1542 in Hall #2 at the show.
With the close of the International Boat Show in Toronto, I thought I would write about one of my favourite design projects – boathouses. I have designed about a dozen boathouses and construction managed a few too! If you have a boat then odds are that you will need...
Recently, the Spring ‘21 issue of CAA Magazine had an exceptionally good article on “How to Buy a Cottage”. I have reproduced the bulk of that article below and have added in my thoughts on the topic. For me, the number one thing to look for in a cottage is not the...
In their special Cottage Edition, Canadian Home Trends magazine has featured the Kawartha’s cottage. It is a six page article that interviews me and asks about the design. Please see attached at pages 66-71. Lakeside Architecture Inc. is honoured to be...
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